Stress: The Tyranny of the Urgent Chris Price | Mark 1:21-39
In this sermon, we discuss the importance of abiding in Christ and His Word in order to live a focused life and avoid the stress of the urgent. Jesus is our example, and through dependence on Him, we can find true freedom and accomplish the Father’s will. Go to Sermon
The Prayer of Faith Chad Cronin | Luke 18: 1-8
In this sermon on Luke 18:1-8, the speaker encourages believers to pray always and not lose heart, emphasizing the importance of persevering prayer. He challenges the audience to examine their view of God and reminds them of God’s character as a loving and listening Father. The sermon encourages believers to slow down, prioritize prayer, and pray with faith and desperation. Go to Sermon
The Glorious End Chad Cronin | Revelation 11:15-19
In this sermon on Revelation 11:15-19, we learn that our worship should be characterized by thankfulness and a commitment to labor for God. Go to Sermon
The Two Witnesses Chad Cronin | Revelation 11:1-13
In this sermon on Revelation chapter 11, the speaker discusses the preservation of God’s people and the power of the Spirit in their lives. Go to Sermon
God’s Everlasting Love Chase Comeaux | Judges 10:6-11:1
In this sermon on Judges chapter 10, we learn that God loves His children even though they are guilty of repeated sin and compromise. Go to Sermon
Following Godly Leadership Chris Price | Judges 3:7-11
In this sermon on Judges chapter 3, we discuss the importance of godly leadership and the need for believers to be diligent students of God’s Word. We are reminded to lead in a way that is pleasing to God and to be cautious of the voices we allow to speak into our lives. The sermon also points to Jesus as our ultimate deliverer and encourages believers to follow Him faithfully. Go to Sermon
The Word Lives Forever Chad Cronin | Revelation 10
In this sermon on Revelation chapter 10, the preacher discusses how the Word of God stands forever, remaining the same and authoritative amidst a changing world. The sermon emphasizes the importance of fully receiving and submitting to the Word of God in our lives. Go to Sermon
The Seven Trumpets (Part 2) Chad Cronin | Revelation 9:1-21
In this sermon on Revelation 9, Pastor Chad discusses the fifth and sixth trumpets, which bring unbearable judgments from God on the wicked. These trumpets reveal the severity of God’s punishment and the urgency of repentance. Go to Sermon
The Seven Trumpets (Part 1) Chad Cronin | Revelation 8:6-13
In this sermon on Revelation 8, the pastor discusses the four trumpets of judgment and their implications for believers. He emphasizes the need for humility, investing in God’s eternal kingdom, celebrating the destruction of the wicked, and having a sense of urgency in evangelism. The sermon also includes a call for the congregation to participate in a mission trip to Guatemala. Go to Sermon
Silence in the Heavens Chad Cronin | Revelation 8:1-5
In this sermon on Revelation 8:1-5, the speaker discusses the significance of the silence in heaven after the opening of the seventh seal. He emphasizes the reverence and awe that should be felt when encountering the presence of God. The sermon also highlights the power of prayer and the effectiveness of prayers offered with a heart that seeks God’s glory. Go to Sermon