Patient Endurance Chad Cronin | Revelation 3:7-13
In this sermon on Revelation 3:7-13, the pastor encourages the congregation to patiently endure in their faith, reminding them that Jesus knows their struggles and provides for them. He assures them that no one can shut the door that Jesus has opened for them and that they will be kept from ultimate destruction. The pastor challenges the congregation to boldly proclaim the gospel and to eagerly await the coming of Christ. Go to Sermon
Following Jesus Together Chad Cronin |
In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being a Christ-centered community, saturated in the Word, prayer-dependent, and proclaiming the gospel. They discuss the need to prioritize Sunday worship, engage in family worship, participate in discipleship groups, and engage in local and foreign missions. Go to Sermon
Jesus Our Peace Andy Wolfe | Ephesians 2:11-17
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the concept of peace, both with God and with others. The speaker emphasizes that true peace comes from Jesus, who serves as both the person of peace and the source of peace between individuals. Go to Sermon
Christmas Peace Chad Cronin | Luke 2:14
In this sermon on Luke 2:14, we discuss the message of peace that the angels proclaimed at the birth of Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the peace that comes from faith in the gospel and the fullness of Christ. It highlights the importance of sharing this peace with others and living in a state of worship and praise. Go to Sermon
Bold Expectations Chase Comeaux |
In this sermon, we are reminded of the importance of faith founded on the Word of God and the promises that come with it. Go to Sermon
Do You Believe in Christmas? Chad Cronin | Luke 1:26-38
In this sermon on Luke 1:26-38, the pastor discusses the significance of Christmas and the need for believers to rejoice and worship for the undeserved favor that God has shown them. He also emphasizes the importance of obedience, highlighting that God always fulfills His promises and is capable of doing the impossible. Go to Sermon
Planning Life Wisely Chris Price | James 4:13-17
In this sermon on James 4, we discuss the importance of seeking God’s guidance in our plans and acknowledging that our lives belong to Him. Go to Sermon
Thanksgiving Chad Cronin |
In this sermon on Exodus 20:17, we discuss the dangers of covetousness and the importance of having a biblically rooted thanksgiving. Go to Sermon
Kingdom Passion Chad Cronin | Revelation 3:1-6
In this sermon, we learn about the importance of having passion for Jesus and His kingdom. Jesus calls us to wake up, strengthen what remains, and remember the gospel. He also urges us to repent and keep living for Him. We are reminded that we are part of a remnant chosen by grace and that our ultimate victory is found in Jesus. Go to Sermon
Kingdom Purity (To the Church in Thyatira) Chad Cronin | Revelation 2:18-29
In this sermon on Revelation 2:18-29, we discuss the importance of holiness in the Christian life and the need to actively pursue growth and improvement in our walk with God. Go to Sermon